πŸ˜‚22 Dad Jokes

😍 Comedy is one of my best stress relievers.

πŸ” Keep coming back coz this list will grow from time to time.

  1. How does a Japanese dog say hello? Konichiwawa Source: Kev on Stage of Dad Jokes

  2. What did the bee say to his wife when they were running late for dinner? Hurry up, HONEY! Source: BigBoy of Dad Jokes

  3. What's the scariest plant in the forest? Bam-BOO! πŸ‘» Source: Sam of YeahMad

  4. I got an iPhone for my girlfriend. It was a pretty good trade.

    Source: Sath of YeahMad

  5. I threw an Asian down the stairs the other day. It was WONG on different levels. Source: Sath of YeahMad

  6. Did you hear about the kid napping at the park? He woke up!

    Explanation: The kid was napping πŸ˜†

    Source: Akila of YeahMad

  7. What do you call a can opener that doesn’t work? a CAN’T opener

    Source: Akila of YeahMad

  8. What letters do feminists send? Hate MALES

    Source: Sath of YeahMad

  9. What do you call a tooth that spends a lot of time in the library? Wisdom Tooth

    Source: Abby of YeahMad

  10. Did you hear that they made a new Afghan Barbie? It's a blow-up doll

    Source: Sath of YeahMad

  11. I used to be a receptionist at a sperm bank. I’d say β€œThank you! COME again!” πŸ’¦

    Source: Akila of YeahMad

  12. What do you call a priest who graduated from law school? Father-in-law πŸ™πŸ» Source: Alan of YeadMad

  13. What did Yoda say when he saw himself in 4K? HD-MI Source: Alan of YeadMad

  14. My girlfriend [boyfriend] dumped me so I stole her [his] wheelchair? Guess who came crawling back? Source: Sam of YeahMad

  15. What does the lemon say when it answers the phone? YELLOW! πŸ‹ Source: Step of YeahMad

  16. Do you know that diarrhea is hereditary? It runs in your JEANS. πŸ‘–πŸ’© Source: Andrew of YeahMad

  17. What is Whitney Houston's favorite type of coordination? HAND-EYE 🎢 Source: Andrew of YeahMad

  18. My wife crashed the car while listening to Adele. She was rolling in the JEEP 🎢 Source: Matt of YeahMad

  19. What does the perverted frog say? Rub-it! 🐸 (🚨 R18 - πŸ‘‹πŸ†πŸ˜†) Source: Matt of YeahMad

  20. Why can't Michael Jackson go within 500 meters of a school? Coz he's dead. Source: Matt of YeahMad

  21. I made a website for orphans. It doesn't have a HOME page. Source: Matt of YeahMad

  22. I have many jokes about unemployed people. Sadly, none of them WORK. Source: Matt of YeahMad


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