Becoming Successful
Purposeful - Dream big, focus on it, and make it your life. - Claim it daily and be obsessed with it. - Break it down into smaller and attainable goals so you don't get overwhelmed.
Be happy - If you're happy you can do almost everything. - You're at your most creative state.
Pray - Praying will teach you to become positive and grateful - Everything is a beautiful journey. Stop overthinking! - Appreciate the small things and stop complaining. More blessings will come. - "Eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and cynicism"
Regret Minimization Framework - This came from Jeff Bezos. - Ask yourself: "At the end of my life, will I regret not having done this?" - Go out of your comfort zone (relax, peace, and pleasure) to get new opportunities, growth, and success.
Be healthy and presentable - Your energy will determine what you can do today. - People will gravitate towards you if you look presentable. - Work out and eat healthy daily.
MVP Mindset - You have to wake up driven - Always be the best version of yourself. - Don't come to a point where you'll say "I wish I have done more" - Avoid victim mentality. In the US, if the income is not enough, they find another job. However, in the Philippines, people rally.
Become a leader - Become a good communicator and storyteller - Create a team and delegate. - Trust people 100%. It's up to them to step up and maintain that. - Be the last to speak. Know them individually, know what drives them, and inspire them to do their best job - You can learn from both successful and unsuccessful people. - Read more here: Becoming a Leader
Value Time - Budget your time - Change unprofitable efforts to profitable ones - Outsource the things that will just stress you eg. cleaning, doing the laundry, cooking, etc.
Be hungry all the time - Avoid celebrating longer than the hustle. - Don't be contented once you hit a few milestones - There are people who are more hungry than you are - Hustle first. Comfort later.
Practice decision-making by yourself - Make beautiful decisions to make your life beautiful. - Just like going to the gym to exercise your body, read a lot to exercise your brain. - Some books are written for about a decade. It will save you 10 years. - Make your own future.
First mover advantage - If someone thinks it might not work coz there's no industry yet, build that industry.
Be pure with your intentions all the time
Be accountable - Show up on agreed schedules - Submit before the deadline
Get better every single day - Small easy steps every day. Progress is progress. - Measure your progress and analyze what are the efforts that are working on focus on them. - Be open to adjustments and feedback from other people. - Imagine what you'll achieve in a decade.
Profitability is king - Start by beating your daily expenses - You'll have peace of mind - You can buy things that will make you happy - You can invest in newer things
Scale your venture only when the numbers are growing - Expand gradually. Don't be too aggressive.
Find your market - Don't push yourself in markets that don't work.
FAIL (First Attempt in Learning) - Your first attempt will be the worst. - At least you know which route to avoid in your next decision-making.
Everything will be alright - Overcome problems, failures, and fears. - Just look back at how many challenges you've faced before and trust yourself. - Failure will teach you a newer perspective.
Build a strong network of people and mentors - It's hard and lonely to do it alone. - You become your circle of friends. - Great network will open doors to newer networks and opportunities. - Even your business should network with other businesses. - Be friends with your competitors and enemy.
Be humble so people will find you teachable and approachable - Never attempt to be the smartest person in the room. - Be curious and always ask questions coz people smarter than you will most likely love to share their thoughts.
Be kind to everyone Be nice to people coz you’ll never how one person will grow.
Focus only on things you can control - If the government is not doing its job, build your own foundation to support your own advocacies. - Don't envy the rich, they just take advantage of opportunities.
Don't compare yourself to others - Each one of us has different starting points - Don't worry too much about pleasing others
Start at 4 AM so you can do more
Be strong - Always get the upper hand. - If someone attacks you, find ways to break him/her down. - You can be limitless if you want to.
Invest in the newer generations - They have the energy and creativity to build newer things.
Be an important part of this world!
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