🤔React State Management: Zustand vs Redux vs MobX
You need state management for your React code to avoid spaghetti states on connected components.
Here are the top options:
1. Zustand
Website: zustand-demo.pmnd.rs
Github: github.com/pmndrs/zustand
Stars: 33.7K
Forks: 1K
Usage: 168K
NPM Weekly Downloaded: 1,913,258
TypeScript Support: Yes
Advantages: Easiest to use
2. MobX
Website: mobx.js.org
Github: github.com/mobxjs/mobx
Stars: 26.6K
Forks: 1.8K
Usage: 134K
NPM Weekly Downloaded: 1,105,462
TypeScript Support
Easy to use
Trusted by Coinbase and Canva
3. Redux
Website: redux.js.org
Github: github.com/reduxjs/redux
Stars: 59.8K
Forks: 15.4K
Usage: 3.3M
NPM Weekly Downloaded: 9,076,468
TypeScript Support
Advantages: Most popular
Disadvantage: Hard to use
Other options:
Last updated